Pure, natural, Florida ingredients


Florida sweet corn

Florida sweet corn is grown in the perfect climate. Florida's warm, sunny days and humid nights provide the ideal conditions for the corn to develop its full flavor and sweetness.

Florida's sweet corn has always been prized for its sweetness, tenderness, and juiciness. It has a delicate flavor that is both sweet and savory, with a slightly nutty undertone. The kernels are plump and juicy, and they pop easily in your mouth.

Our farmers also use sustainable practices to grow their corn, which helps to ensure that it is fresh, natural, sustainable, and delicious.


natural yeasts

Premium natural yeasts used in our fermentation process are wild yeast strains that have been selected for their desirable qualities, such as their ability to produce complex flavors and aromas, their tolerance to alcohol and other stressors, and their ability to ferment a wide range of substrates.

Shark Tooth Distillery uses premium yeasts to produce spirits that are expressive of their terroir and that are made with minimal intervention. We use wild or natural yeast strains deep-rooted in the Florida environment to introduce complex and unpredictable flavors to the final product. It’s pure artisanal vodka production.


Pure spring water

Pure spring water that surfaces from the aqueducts that run under Florida. It's crystal clear, sparkling, with a fresh, clean taste that is unlike any else.

Our spring water has been filtered through layers of rock and soil. This natural filtration process removes impurities and contaminants, leaving behind water that is crisp and pure.

Our source spring water is also a sustainable. Our pure water is constantly being replenished by rainwater and snow melt. This means that there is always a fresh supply of spring water available, even during times of drought.

Mash fermentation

Shark Tooth Vodkas corn mash fermentation begins with golden grains of Florida sweet corn, sun dried, finely ground then blended with premium yeasts and warm water. Together, they form a rich thickset slurry.

As we heat the mixture to the perfect temperature, the enzymes awaken and envelop the starches within the corn. The enzymes cause the complex corn molecules to release their sugars. It’s these sugars the enzymes devour releasing alcohol as a byproduct.

By cooking the mash at a perfect temperature, for an exact amount of time the reaction releases its alcohol while retaining a hint of its naturally sweet flavor.

Craft spirits perfectly distilled.
















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Now, sit back, relax and we'll write back as soon as we've finished making a fresh batch of Shark Tooth Vodka Martinis!


703.408.0926 | jdale@sharkspirits.com

366 Center Court, Venice, FL 34285